General practice/pharmacy business development, management, consultancy
Medical Practice Business Development, Management and Consultancy
Current medical practices in Australia often, if not always, have a contract arrangement with their Doctors and other Allied Health Professionals where all of these parties work for a percentage of the income they generate. The first thing we will make you realise is that under these arrangements you are the service provider and along with that you may have to discard previous notions that you are a medical practice where these providers work for you when instead they actually work for themselves and are your clients. We help you understand that your job is to enhance their ability to generate optimum income from their professional services and feel comfortable doing so in the environment you provide. Optimal income for them means optimal income for you. It's a business arrangement. It requires contractual control that is not arduous but that provides protection for the practice in the event of client turnover.
General Practice/Community Pharmacy Partnering
We specialise in Medical Practice Development and Management Consultancy. Medical practices can be developed in many locations and in many ways. We consult to independent medical practices and to groups. This model (Pharmacy Partnering Model) relates to one of the practice development options that we can assist with.
Proximity to Doctors vastly impacts the value of a Pharmacy.
General Practices can leverage their value to Pharmacies and Pharmacists can vastly improve the value of their Pharmacies by investment in developing a co-located General Practice. What is required to make both parties win from any arrangement is someone who knows how to do it. Someone who knows both industries and the challenges present in both industries. Also, professional advisors need to be involved to assess the business case.
Simply opening a Doctor's Practice and expecting success is often not good enough. A Pharmacy assisting Doctors to open a practice and expecting success is also often not good enough.
It all has to stack-up. It has to work and the unrecognised business opportunities beyond the prescription volume increase to the Pharmacy or the Pharmacist referral of patients to the Doctor need to be identified. The relationship, if built to be a symbiotic relationship, has many opportunities that enhance the Patient Experience and therefore the viability of both primary health businesses.
A relationship is best when being together sees growth for both participants than that which would be achieved if they were separate.

Key areas of focus
Branding, Image and Marketing
Create a brand that Doctors seek out, Staff are proud of and Patients trust.
Business Strategy
Always look well beyond what's under your roof and assess the environment around you.
Efficiency Dividend
Look for time saving devices or systems that you only need to invest in once.
Empowering Staff
Give your staff ownership of their role and watch what happens!
Identify "business blockers" that are unnecessarily stifling business growth.
Maximising Revenue
Billings per patient vs patients per hour; incentives; industry benchmarks.
Patient Experience
A positive patient experience goes beyond the waiting and consulting rooms.
Pharmacy-GP Partnering
Pharmacies can vastly improve the value of their business by investment in developing a co-located General Practice.
Thinking Outside the Box
Standards and rigid enforcement will only make your staff good at those standards and very little else.
Workplace Culture
A healthy workplace culture is just as important as your patient's health.